Thursday, October 10, 2024

Empty condos

 I am told that Charlie and Champ have settled in. Their new owner is thrilled to bits and is bombarding Kym with reports of their every movement. Geoff was thrilled the news that they have been homed and offered to set up an outdoor enclosure for them if needed. (Irene tell Kym this).

Julie and Bassuria rather like having an empty condo beside them. Julie's tongue does hang out since she had teeth removed and the chicken made her drool.

Bassuria on top, Julie below

Teddy's eyes don't look good but he is in fine form. As is his condo mate GG. They do love each other.
Teddy on top, GG below.

And chicken.

When Geoff feeds the cats he first gives Tommy a good grooming and loving. Then he leaves Tommy's condo door open. Tommy never ventures out.

As the play place is empty, I tried PC there. Followed by Big Kahuna. Neither of them liked it very much. They much prefer the desk and opportunity of stealing illicit food. Not to mention the odd cuddle.

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