Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Split bin gone

 So we are back to 2 Willoughby bins. But they only emptied one of them this morning. Tim W phoned the council and they promised to empty it in the next day, or so. What a relief. Because I had schlepped out 22 bags of poo from the balcony, with their resident maggots, into other peoples bins there was only enough trash from today to fill one Cozens bin. I didn't fancy having to transfer bags from the Willoughby bin to the other Cozens bin. It would have been way overweight.

 No surprise, Mateo has been chosen. He will be picked up tomorrow. The woman who adopted him came for two kittens. Why didn't she choose Hui Hui and Daisy May? Put it down to Mateo's charm.

Irene wanted a photo of him for social media. He doesn't stand still long enough for a good shot.

Mateo ignoring Tim W and Sue
Wolfie sat still and watched. He had a wander time out today too.. . . . we still hope he will become an old persons' home cat.


So did Hui Hui and Daisy May. That woman should have chosen them.

Hui Hui and Daisy May

I think we should swap their stand alone position with Wolfie's so that they are nearest the front door and get seen by the incomers.

Wolfie only has two daughters left on the premises. I got the job of holding them while their condo was cleaned (because we were short on vollies this morning). A hard job but somebody. . . .. (gets lucky).

Wilhelmina and Wanda

Violet is off "wet food only". I think she likes the full tummy effect of crunchies.


Grumpy cat faces:

Greta in Incoming.


Mickey in Welfare

Zoe, is more confused than grumpy now that she has moved from Incoming to Welfare. This is last week's photo of her in Incoming. Today, she wouldn't stand still for a photo.

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