Friday, June 26, 2020

White is the new black

Storm went back home today. Won't she be pleased! But she will be confined because the neighbours don't like her to roam and create havoc.

I had just cleaned out her palace condo . . . . cleaning her hair off the scratchy pole took the longest. . . . when in came Sue with Linda. Sue is off travelling (in NSW) so Linda is having a turn in the palace.


 I also cleaned the condo above Willow and moved her into it (with permission) so that I could clean the condo where she and the kittens lived (and caught ring worm) for weeks. I have given it a good scrub but it needs another pair of eyes to clean off the grubbiness that was under the first layer of crud. I think WIllow likes her new view (of the feeding station!)

Lucia's boys were taken off to be desexed because WIllow's kittens were not quite well enough. She seemed anxious to have them back. I removed the small carry cage that they were born in and have outgrown.


 These two WIllow kittens look quite smug to be left at home
Willow kittens
Morty has an interesting mark on his foot.
A couple came to look at Lynette but have gone away to think about her. They want a shy cat because their last cat was shy. But then he spotted Bowie . . . . who is not the least bit shy. In fact, his door was unlatched and he wiggled into my arms happily. They could pick Harriet's kittens if they want a shy kitten.

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