Tuesday, June 23, 2020

With Baggage

Cookie and Tim Tam came with loads of baggage.

Their owner is working out of the state most of the time and has found that cat sitters are unreliable and not good enough for his spoiled babies. I didn't get to see them. They are hiding in a cat carrier, each. But I heard their mournful cries.

Next door to them is Peggy. Couldn't see her either and don't know her story.

Out the back, Petey has been moved in with Buddy (who has an elizabethan collar). Neither of them were happy enough to eat their breakfast.

 Petey, Buddy

Several other cats are off their tucker as well. Even two of Willow's kittens, now released from ringworm quarantine have been put to bed. .. and stay there!

The other two are fine, so far.

As is Lily with her four babies. Still in their upstairs bed.

Quatro was adopted. . . no surprise there.

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