Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Scary Hands

There has been lots of movement since last Friday. Somebody else needs to update the blog after the weekend.

The best news, perhaps, is that an older couple came on Sunday and adopted Diva and Sienna. They have a room of their own. They have ventured out of their carry cage. The man comes to sit in their room but is happy to wait until they want more interaction.

And Saxon has gone. Don't know where but whoever has him is one lucky person.

And Pepi has gone. Again.

In her condo is a cat "called" TBA. I hope that means To Be Adopted. But she is very shy. I left her breakfast bowl out on the shelf and she hadn't eaten it by dinner time. I gave her a modesty cloth to hide behind.

Across the aisle from her is a cat called Baby. S/he is 13 years old. Initially I thought that s/he was another shy cat because all I could see was a spotted back inside the carry cage. But I said hello and out the cat popped and was so pleased to see me that it was difficult to get a photo. My guess is that he is a male. 

Kimi is another "shy" cat who is perfectly happy to get pats. She keeps herself very tidy.

And Luna has settled down. Last week she screamed blue murder whenever anybody came near her. Today she was quiet, polite and neat.

I handed out some treats, on my fingers to try to build trust with some shy cats.
Lynette wouldn't have anything from my fingers but she is eager to engage. . . . theoretically, until you reach towards her.


Quatro purred like an engine while trying to push the treats off my fingers so that she could eat them. She did, eventually, take them from my hand and gently nibble my fingers. Perhaps she hadn't come across any before?


Octavia wasn't having anything to do with fingers. She didn't say a word but the eyes spoke volumes. . . . get out of my space.

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