Thursday, January 21, 2021

Chicken magic

We need to make a recording of Tara's purr. It is distinctively lovely. Anybody who heard it would be prepared to take the probable months that she needs to settle into a new home. Dobby thought my finger was part of the chicken treat and bit down on it, hard. Luckily it was the finger next to the one that I sliced while cutting up the chicken. Having bandaids on consequitive fingers took me back to childhood. Suki loved her chicken. She is actually putting on weight and growing so much hair that it needed a brush. I found the softest one I could because she must still hurt from all her weight loss. She doesn't scream so loud since Gracie moved to quarantine corner. This seems successful now that there is a sheet of cardboard behind her wheely to stop the escaped kittens (from both sides) running under the cage. Peggy liked her chicken until I got too friendly and she swiped at me. Luckily she missed or I would have had a slash to match Tim's cheek. (More later). The chicken worked magic on Rosie who actually stood up, got out of her igloo, wanted to be stroked and made loving eyes at me. She has forgotten, perhaps that she is heartbroken at being abandonned with us and will give love for chicken.
Tim's cheek was the take off point for the back legs of a kitten who is (probably with a friend) in the condo above the computer. I didn't see inside because they have a modesty cloth. Next door to them are three tuxedo kittens (black and white is definitely the colour of 2020/21). I think we got them by mistake but they look sweet.
Tim weighted kittens to work out a desex schedule. He doesn't like the naming part of this job so Katy and I helped. Katy had brilliant ideas for names. I have forgotten them but Tim wrote them all on a bit of paper . . . . . .

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