Thursday, January 28, 2021

Hungry Bears Crossing

I went to take a photo of Lillian now that she is better settled into Dolly's condo. Only to find that my camera battery was flat. Again. My phone takes lousy photos so you will have wait until next week for a good photo of her. Her upstairs neighbour, Salam, has settled in nicely but his eye looks worse and Lynda gave him a chin rub and felt a lump. Tim has been told. But Tim was busy collecting his mum from a hospital test so may need to be reminded. The drama of the day was that the tin of paint that we use to prop the balcony door open developed a leak. White paint spread over the blah grey tiles to make a very modern looking tile design. But . . . . . messy possibilities of white foot prints being tracked into the cattery. We moved the many poo bags onto towels and I washed down the balcony with buckets of water, in the rain. On Wednesday when there was a strong wind that kept pushing the door closed despite a bag on poo on top of the can of paint, I found a cat leash that looped around the railing and the door handle to keep it open. That will be the new way of letting real air into Safe Haven. The woman who adopted Sam came to talk about fostering Billy, to adopt. After a long chat with Tim, she decided to wait and see. Billy enjoyed the attention. We were disappointed. But the woman has Sam to go home to and he is "a delight".
The good news since Wednesday is that the woman that I spoke to then convinced her husband that Dolly should go live with them. He was involved in feeding her when she was a street cat so it wasn't a hard sell. There is a 6year old at home for Dolly to deal with but we know how well she can control the little ones.
Dobby should be desexed soon and will be easy to find a home for. He is a smoocher. Sue came in and while she was there I pointed out the cat sofas on top of the condos. (The new step ladder gives a new perspective of Safe Haven). She agreed that they should be sold. When we got them down we discovered that they were covered with dust. So it was decided that I should take them home, clean them and send photos. There are zips that take off the covers. I wonder if I will ever be able to get the covers back on again. I doubt the fabric was washed before the covers were made. They might shrink.

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