Friday, January 15, 2021

Left overs

I wasn't at Safe Haven today. I had to have a lump cut from my temple. When I arrived home with a big white bandage wrapped around my head, turban style, Cody recognised my voice but not my face. It was funny to see him look at me as though I was a stranger. But I have left over photos from Wednesday. Sooty is brave enough to stick his face out of his carry cage. The towel that has covered it for the past month or so has slipped down as well. He comes out of his carry cage to eat his breakfast which is progress.
The three kittens that have been living with Bronwen are getting used to us, slowly. Surely she gave them names.
The second blue gauntlet was found.
I have been going through my cat photos trying to delete some of the 14,000 to make more room on my computer. So many old friends. Any cat without a name is deleted. But who can forget Abbey, Klaus and Sunny, Charzie, Sparkie or Brooklyn?

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