Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Everything was under control and then. . . .

I came home to discover that our internet wasn't working. But I have fixed it by the tried and true method of turning it off, waiting 20 seconds, and turning it on again. 54 cats when I arrived. 51 when I left. It was a very well controlled morning with lots of vollies doing their work slowly and spending time with each cat. I put Maxwell our boarder in the play place because he is a kitten and was desperate for a run. He is one of ours, I think. They must have put a collar on him when they took him home and hadn't checked how tight it was. I took it off and found a matted piece of fur below the collar.
And I noticed that half his whiskers have been trimmed. Is there some myth that if you cut a new cat's whiskers it won't wander off?
Then a woman called ahead to alert me that she was bringing in her client who has issues to look for a cat. Suddenly there were too many people around. Lovely people, vanished to elsewhere. And the nice man decided that he liked lots of cats and would go away and think about it and prepare for it. I confess that I showed him Charlie who is a softie, Valentino who loves everybody and Blackie who is a couch potato. None of them are ready yet but neither is he. Then all the vollies finished the jobs and left and I had a call from a teacher who lined me up to adopt Jerry to her at 4pm when she finished school and got to us. What to do in the meantime? I cleaned the balcony windows! And then was wondering what to do when a woman arrived to adopt Gingey for her 14 year old's birthday. DONE. Then a young couple arrived with Mum to check out Peggy. And an older mother and daughter came to pick up Pawsey II's stuff. Unfortunately I saw a litter bag sitting beside a rubbish bin with some obvious rubbishy stuff in it this morning. I took it out and put it in a rubbish bin with the other trash. It contained the stuff that had been taken home to be washed before Pawsey was picked up, returned, and packaged in a trash bag! I think I managed to pacify them with gifts of bowls and bits of bed and a carrier. In the meantime, Peggy was charming her visitors. And they adopted her. During the process, Peggy swiped her new mum but I had warned her and she seemed fine with the occasional demarcation dispute. Then the teacher arrived to adopt Jerry for her fourteen year old son. "He is a bit shy" I said. "So is my son" she said.
And I think I may have solved the problem of Gracie's wandering litter tray. We were given a grey, flat, plastic sheet that might be silicone. I put it under her tray. See the pile that she had dug and the tray stayed put!

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