Friday, July 9, 2021

Missed in the mess/Belle at home

Told you it was a messy afternoon. I forgot to confirm that Robyn took Belle home. I have added that to the previous blog. After a noisy trip home by car with Belle yowling or Robyn singing the same song for 20 minutes to quiet her, Belle explored
By the next day she was well rested and stretched:
Had a good play:
and lots of cuddles and now feels right at home. But while the rest was happening on Friday afternoon, a pair of Japanese ladies arrived to foster Ebony. I know that they are Japanese because one was wearing a black sweatshirt with very specific geologic coordinates printed on it. She didn't know what it referred to. I asked her to turn around expecting a photo of Mt Fuji on the back, but there was nothing. We were travelling up in the lift at that time after I helped the dad of Jayde and Jasmin (and Rosy Nose's two kittens who came to be microchipped and vaccinated) take down the humumgous cat scratchy and to fit it into his car. It fitted. He drove off. Those two tiny kittens will be Olympic athletes if they can get to the top of that scratchy! And Ebony went home with the Japanese ladies. She got her Friday chicken treat before she left.

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