Friday, July 9, 2021

Neat morning, messy afternoon

When I arrived at noon there was a family with two small children after a kitten. They chose Kimmy (and vice versa). Then the woman and her daughter who wanted Kimmy on Sunday came in after getting permission from her landlord to have a cat. While Irene was checking out Kimmy, they decided that Chilli really was the better choice for them. They are Spanish speakers and will change his name to something unpronouncable. She has had cats forever so knows what to do. While I checked out Chilli, Irene introduced a woman to all the quiet cats in residence. She had a problem choosing between Soxy and Marmalade. And finally chose . . . . . MARMALADE!
She paid her money and went away without him but promised to be back. She came back at 3:30 having set up her house with everything that he will need . . . . lots of hiding places initially. But we think that they will be a good match. They are both quiet, aloof, self contained folk just aching for somebody to love. And then Robyn came in and talked to Tim about Belle's condition and dietary needs. While she was doing this (and Irene was processing Marmalade) I introduced a woman and her two teenaged sons who really had wanted Kimmy, or a Kimmy-like semi-long haired kitten. I introduced her to the longish haired ones in Incoming. We think that Petite and Norma are the longer haired girls. And then to the delicately grey Lucy and the longer haired of her brothers in Mia and Bella's stand alone. I suspect that the boys will go for Lucy because she will be ready earlier. They are desexed. They just need a vet check and microchip whereas the ones in Incoming need to be there for another week and then go through the vet check, etc. Those boys need a kitten while they are in lockdown to replace the much beloved cat who died last year. They want a longish haired cat because their old cat was. But they don't want a matted cat. I tried to convince them that if they start brushing the kitten while it is young, the cat will enjoy being brushed all its life. I suppose this is true.
They certainly like to cuddle up together. Robyn and I processed Belle and she went home with Robyn. I thought it was warm at Safe Haven today but the cats didn't. Ginger and Lechusa shared a box.
Now that we have spare condos, we have assigned separate condos for Bobby and Doel. While they came as a bonded pair, they have been quarrelling all day. They have gingivitis so are on TD's. A better solution is daily brushing, of their teeth. What's the chance of that while they are cross with each other?

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