Aslan is old Turkish for a lion, Auslan is Australian sign language, ASL is American Sign Language. The picture tells a thousand words.
Aslan |
I met him for the first time today. You only need hand gestures to become his friend. He has a wonky leg (back right). He probably broke it some years ago and it has "healed" in the wrong conformation. If it gives him pain, it might be kinder to amputate the leg. But, so far he seems happy.
He has moved into Salazar's condo because Salazar succumbed to his heart condition and died yesterday. The last months that he has spent with us have probably been the best in his life. Always a lap and a hug, plenty of food, no street dangers, nobody making cracks about his lumpy chin or knobbly legs.
Salazar |
Miranda had trouble with her Elizabethan collar after returning from the vet to be desexed. But chicken fixed that. (Paprika didn't turn a whisker when I put her's on.)
Miranda |
And Champ has come out of the cat carrier. How did two cats fit in there! It must be Charlie still in the carrier because he is tabby and white.
Champ, on the ring
Opie wasn't as vocal today. He stayed in his hammock despite all the activity around him. He was whisked next door to Dr Kim's who couldn't see anything wrong with him. He ate a little chicken. And went back to bed.
Opie |
Tiger would like to eat some chicken. But it is not on his diet. In the meantime, he will take hugs, especially from Arc who is strong enough to pick up his considerable weight!
Arc and Tiger
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