Friday, April 21, 2023

No chicken

 I left it on the kitchen bench. How could I do that to our lovely cats? Not to mention to Arc who was looking forward to sharing it out. So I went to the park up the street and picked grass much to the curiosity of a lady walking a mini poodle. She wanted to know why I was picking grass in her park and where I lived!

Lots of the cats recognised grass and were gratefull (eg Lola, Kenzie, Mia. . . )  Others couldn't figure out how to get their whiskers out of the way to eat it.

Thelma and Louise

I apologise in advance to the vollies tomorrow who will have bits of dead grass as well as the occasional upchuck to deal with.

If you were wondering, like Joy, what happened to Saffron. . . . somebody in his old lady owner's family stepped up and took him into their home.

And if you were wondering which of Virgo's kittens are named Libra, Taurus, Aries, Gemini, Pisces and Scorpio. . . so was Katie. So I volunteered to check who was boy and who was girl. After picking up five boys because I knew that the calico had to be a girl, I doubted my ability to sex kittens. So Tim checked them and arrived at the same result: 5 boys and 1 girl. No wonder Virgo has lost her voice!

The above are Taurus, Aries, Gemini, Pisces and Scorpio.

While I was about it, I  checked Chia's kittens as well. The big fluffy black and white is a girl. She may get as large as Ernie the boarder! The other two black kittens are one of each gender, otherwise indistinguishable.

Chia's 3

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