Friday, October 27, 2023

Another way out

 This afternoon Blossom's kittens were put into the play place so that Blossom could have a break from them and so that they can get some more handling. They had a lovely time. They figured out how to run on the treadmill and played with all the toys. Blossom curled up on her ledge and didn't bother with afternoon tea. They weren't hard to catch when it was time to take them back to their mum. They immediately lined up for a good drink from her and then lazed around in a satisfied stupor until dinner time. 

I moved Maggie's three into the play place to stretch their legs lengthwise. They get plenty of vertical movement in the Palace. While I was feeding the main room cats and Kat was having a wander, suddenly there was Zaria (or Astra) wandering with her. I had put the bottom tie on the door to keep them in. I took her back and put a weight against the bottom of the door to keep it closed. 

Later, when I was feeding Incoming, there she was again at the door. She must have swung from the multi-storey climbing thingy, pushed the top of the play place door and jumped through (to land on the floor 6 feet below!) I moved the bottom tie to the top and put a heavier weight against the bottom of the door. That kept her in. Later I moved them back to the palace so that somebody else can have a go tomorrow in the play place.

Astra, Zaria and Roman back in the Palace

Lola loved sitting on a cuddle rug on the printer this afternoon. She is holding it still with her mouth while she kneads it.

No adoptions today.

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