Friday, October 6, 2023

Reluctant Louise

 Now we know who is who of Thelma and Louise who have been on Better Row for months. They are ready to be adopted and have been moved to Leon's condo. Thelma (the friendly tortie) was no trouble to move. Louise escaped to under the food shelves. She came out from under for chicken. Gradually I enticed her back into her condo and put the carrier in there just in case she fell for that old trick. No way. When Tim tried to grab her she escaped to under the food shelves again.

We let her settle down and did something else. 

Eventually she was in a place where Tim could grab her with the big blue gloves. She managed to bite through the gloves to his finger. 

We let her settle down and did something else.

Then she escaped into the main room behind Sparky's stand alone. We encouraged her to move towards her new condo. Eventually while she was looking at me in front of her, Tim grabbed her from behind and hoisted her up into her condo. She fell into Thelma's arms. 

It may take her a while to trust us again. Chicken will help.

Thelma and Louise moved


Davo was not trouble to move below Billy. He was having a lovely play just before I snapped this photo.


 Astra and Zaria who were in Davo's condo are now in the stand alone by the filing cabinet with Roman.

Lola has another new position. This one has a bankie. She looks like she is winking at me but I think she has a sore eye.


I learned Hugo's history. He was a street cat who had trouble breathing. A pair of kind souls took him to a vet who discovered that he had a diaphragmatic hernia. . . . ie a hole in his diaphragm which let his guts move into his chest. The vet operated. The incision was from pubic bone to breast bone. His innards were put back where they were supposed to be and he was sewn up. The two kind souls paid the astounding vet bill but didn't have anyway to keep him. So we took him. 

He LOVES chicken.

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