Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Short visit

 I had to take the husband to the eye doc for another injection today. And the traffic was terrible so the regular staff/vollies arrived late. But we made it in time and he is having a lie down now.

Just like Trude and Prue after their early breakfast.

 tortie Trude and Prue
The R kittens/cats were moved to Incoming. They are not happy. But, at least I know who is whom now.



I thought they were all girls. But Rocky is a boy.

And Maggie's kids much prefered their old digs in the play place to the Palace.

Astra, Zaria in foreground. Roman lurking on the top shelf (just a pair of ears)

Max and Ted have settled down. They are both in dire need of a good hair brushing.

I have never seen a tail as flexible as Ted's. He carries it on his back.
Ted of the Tail

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