Friday, November 8, 2019

Four kittens came and went

I am not sure where they came from but when I arrived this afternoon to a wonderfully cleaned Safe Haven (thank you morning crew) there were two tiny kittens and two slightly bigger kittens looking for a mama. They had been to the vet earlier in the day and given subcutaneous fluids. The two tinyest ones may not make it. They are "mouth breathing". The bigger ones were trying their best to keep their little sibs warm.
 I tried to give them some formula but most of it ended up on their chest rather than in their tummies. Three out of four were successfully toileted. .. . so I haven't lost that knack.

Tim took them to a fosterer in Dee Why who has a mother cat whose kittens have been recently weaned in the hope that she would take to this little family. And she did. . . immediately. Such a relief. Even if the tiny ones don't make it, at least their last days will be under the loving tongue of a mama cat. This fosterer has families of kittens in almost every room of her house.

The SH cats know that I bring grass on Friday afternoon and set up a feeding frenzy noise as soon as they see me. I have to throw grass into their condos quickly to quieten them down. I then go back later to each condo to help them eat it. They prefer their grass to point upwards rather than to lie flat. I am happy to hold it for them while telling them how beautiful they are.

Tilly has worn an Elizabethan collar this week. So I stuck her grass in her spiral toy. When I came back to "help" her eat it, I expected her to hiss at me. But she almost threw herself at me with purrs and wiggles. What a change of personality! Eventually I felt sorry that she couldn't eat easily (food left in bowl) or drink with that great collar on, so I took it off. And she reverted, somewhat, to her usual hissy personality. But she was more interested in cleaning herself. So when she had done that and her tongue (and teeth) arrived to her stitched tummy, I put the collar back on her. And she became smoochy again. Go figure!

Samantha has become a smoochie cat too. Tim says that her eyes aren't as mucky since he started to pat her. Is it the power of touch or coincidence? She was more interested in having me pat her than eating her grass upright or lying down. (Her sister, Elsa, was so horrified when Tim took her, in her square bed to the vet earlier in the week, that she has reverted to hiding on her upper, inaccessible shelf).

Tortie has always been a SMOOCHER. It is such a pity that she caught the flu. Her vocalisations are "varied", to say the least. Whereas, Pepi just hisses, still.

Photos curtesy of Joy because I forgot my camera today.

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