Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Royal Visit

Tim visited Prince and Rajah. He reports that they are happy and more comfortable. They were in the same area as the rather wild kittens that Tim went to pick up. While the kittens were being chased and caught they ran right over Prince and Rajah in their bed. The regal oldies were not disturbed.

I didn't see the new kittens as we were three to clean up this morning. I took advantage of the extra time to give Kimmy, Kitty and Scarlet a thorough brushing. They loved it. And were much calmer after the extra attention. Perhaps all that loose hair itches or wriggles.
Kitty and her ex coat

We have a new three year old. Narla is very like my Puffin but is completely black. Puffin was grey near her skin.. . . not that I got close enough to part Narla's coat.

Shivers has his collar off and seems much brighter. The vet is happy to leave his lumpy tummy alone for the moment. Another, wait and see what happens case. Just like Peanuts. The vet can't decide whether he has been desexed but not microchipped (unlikely) or has two undescended testicles (very unlikely). So we will wait and see. Peanuts also enjoyed the extra attention I gave him. So much so that I trimmed his nails because lots of loving is never enough and he tends to hold on tight if you try to move away from him. (No photo because he doesn't look any less cream and black rather than white and black. He still needs a bath).


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