Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Six de sex ed

I packaged up six kittens at 8:30 am to be whisked off (by Terry) to various vets to be desexed this morning. There was the beautiful bengal-ish kitten of Lillian,
the three H kittens below Salt and Pepper, Leaf (the luscious lone kitty) and Sunny of Mum + 1 out back whom we named Sunny because we didn't know whether it was a boy or a girl. Turns out he is a boy so can perhaps be renamed Sonny. Irene delivered them back shorty before 6 pm. They were all hungry except for Su/onny. At that stage of the day I wasn't prepared for him to decide to eat in his carrier. I put him back in with his food and his mum. And his mum ate his food. She is a bit of a bossy boots. While I did that, Irene took the opportunity to give Peggy some love.
Earlier in the day, Peggy thought that I was Irene and smooched up to my hand. She then realised her mistake and backed off smartly. I was prepared to be friendly but Peggy has definite preferences. Not like Salam who is anybody's friend. See how much better his eye looks.
The woman who rescued the kittens closest to the door rang to ask after them. They have been desexed and should be ready to adopt sooner. She said that she "kissed them 50 times each day, gave them baths, played with them, loved them". They certainly replay her love to anybody who opens their door.
As opposed to Tara who was adopted over the weekend. Went to her new home. And would not eat. She was returned yesterday. And did not eat overnight. But she did eat something today after I cooed to her and she purred back to me. Some cats need a "no return until 1 month of trying" clause.

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