Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Rita liberated

Rita was adopted today by the woman who came last week, or was it two weeks ago, with her "granddaugher". Their carer didn't want a boy cat. So Salam was rejected. And she didn't fancy Luna. So they said they would come back. They did and Rita was chosen. I hope the carer has the patience to let Rita adapt to a new environment of hugs and kisses. Poor little thing hasn't had much of that since she got ringworm after giving birth, eventually, to her three kittens. Who were her colony mates who came in at the same time? All pregnant. All just big kittens themselves. . .. . Star and Zelda? (The date on the photo is September 2020.
Her three kittens are now available as they have passed their ringworm test. They are Robbie, Roger (the grey tabby) and Roxanne (the black). Today a mum and daughter came in to check out Roger (mum liked grey) and Roxanne (daughter liked black cat). They coudln't decide so went home to have a family conference. They had planned to come back within an hour or two to take somebody home. But by 5pm, they still hadn't decided. And they were in Mosman. So I said, "Come back tomorrow". There is another person who is waiting anxiously for Roger to be posted on Facebook. Another grey cat lover. There may be a frantic rush tomorrow morning.
These folk spent some time with the kittens. As there were only two of them and three kittens, I had to cuddle the third. It is such a nice thing to do. I have almost forgotten how nice since all the "Don't touch a cat because you might give it a germ" policy that definitely was not in vogue at Peggy Brown's. And I realised that I am good at it which must be because of all that practice at Peggy's. The kitten I handed off to the visitor was relaxed while the kitten I got from them was tense. I put my skill into practice with our newest litter. Three blacks (2 boys one girl) and two tabbies (one of each). They have mucky eyes. So I had to clean their faces and apply the ointment. They are sweeties (and withour names.)
Our other new resident (75 in total today) is one that Irene picked up yesterday from the vet. She had been desexed and part of her tail had been amputated. Don't know why. But we decided that her name is Bridie. She seems a gentle, shy, very young adult.

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