Wednesday, March 24, 2021

After the deluge

The lift breaks down. Perhaps there was water in the basement. Whatever happened, it wasn't working when I arrived, later than usual because my alarm cat was busy watching the wildlife by moonlight rather than waking me up for a early breakfast. (It is high time daylight saving stopped gobbling up my morning). By the time I had wrangled the trolly and six bags of poo down the stairs, the commercial garbo had been. . . . there was space in those bins. So I started to fill up the homeowners bins. I even came across an owner. I asked her if she minded me putting bags in her bins to make the garbos trip worth while. She smiled and said "Not at all." Aren't Aussies nice! I did a couple of trips and on the third, the regular garbo was coming up the street where I had planned to drop my bombs. There was a traffic controller in the street because an electric line needed to be fixed. He saw my plight and said "They haven't been up this side". So I ran my trolly up the hill to the first garbage bid I came to. I tossed them all inside just before the garbage truck caught up to me. It was highly entertaining to the traffic controllers, and a local who was trundling in his empty bin (on the other side of the road). I didn't manage to get all the garbage bags off the balcony. Please take one or two home if you have space in your bin. My vollies managed to find their way in. The lifts were fixed by lunch time. Belle's kittens are poorly. They leak from their bums. Some are better than others.
Joy must have taken this photo immediately after I cleaned their condo. It doesn't take them long to make it dirty. And the five kittens (3 blacks and 2 tabbies) have the flu. Their poor eyes are swollen and inflammed. But they are eating well despite nasty medicine and eye ointment. A couple came to find a friend for the kitten they adopted from a vet a few months ago. They wanted a ginger. I showed them Marmalade, Dash and Niblet. They liked Niblet best because he was calm (sleepy) and their cat is full of energy. When Niblet went, Nori went back to sleep.
During the afternoon, I looked around to see who was playing with a ping pong ball . . . . and it was Sooty! Later she sat still for a photo.
And Windsor has abandonned his hiddy structure and rests on his upstairs shelf.
By the time I got my camera out of my pocket, Billy had uncrossed his front paws and lifted his chin from them. A cute photo missed.
And, of course, as soon as I pointed the camera at Mia and Bella who were cuddled up together in their square hammock, they moved.
They have available lables without any indication that they must go together. But on the website, they are listed as a bonded pair. As are Faith and Bud who are lording it in the play place. They choose beds as far from each other as they can get.

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