Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Let there be air

Sometime over the weekend, or before, somebody installed glass, screened louvres in the window across the corridor outside our font door. We have air circulation from outside our front door, through our suite and out through the balcony. No more smell. Hurrah.
Billy was posted on the SAFE webpage last night. This morning Val rang. She adopted Sam some months ago and fancied Billy at that time. She has come back to visit since Sam settled in so well. Last night Billy was posted on the web site. He didn't even have his blue card or his file in the "For Adoption" folder. But Val came and was happy to see how much more relaxed he is. He accepted her carresses and let me lift him into her cat carrier. I carried him down to her car and waved him goodbye. He will have a devoted carer.
There was an email from the man who adopted Octavia. He is slowly convincing his body corporate that he can have a cat. Octavia doesn't look anxious to leave. She just looks fabulous.
The Gooie Eyed Five have got over their . . . . what ever it was. Now they have ringworm. They have also learned how to rattle their door hard enough so that it opens and they can explode all over the floor. Thank goodness our lease on the spare room off the kitchen corridor has come to pass. All the germy kittens can be confined there. In the meantime, the gooie eyes get corraled in a cage. See their bright eyes.
Lola loves sitting on a pile of fabric.

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