Thursday, March 11, 2021

Rosie news

Remember Rosie whose face we didn't see for weeks because she hid in her bed mourining her surrender. Eventually she turned around to see what was happening in her new environment.
Then she decided that we were alright, after all. And shortly afterwards she was adopted. The woman who adopted her came by this afternoon to buy her a scratchy pole. She got Rosie because her previous pair of cats died (one after the other) and she grieved for 2 years before being ready to jump back into the pool of cat loving. She is soooooo happy with Rosie. Rosie has her own room, with en suite, that she will return to when her mum has had enough tummy time. Rosie talks to her and anybody who comes to visit. She poses for paintings (the owner is an artist). They are very happy together. But the owner is concerned at how she bereft she will be if Rosie dies and leaves her catless. Easy solution! When Rosie is completely relaxed, come get a big boy kitten from us! If you always have two cats you will never be catless. Cabbie and his big sisters Uber and Taxi were picked up by their Cabramatta family. They now have unpronouncable Russian names. The mother cat has been desexed. The kittens have been microchipped. The family is happy to have them back again. Short, sweet stay. The soft drink kids were in the play place this afternoon. Irene had a great cuddle with them all but they were wary of me, even though I fed them milk.
I tidied up out the back to make litter trays more accessible. And then distributed treats. Belle needs more treats. She is growing splendid white whiskers.
Sesame is an easy cat to give love to after Octavia who is very suspicious still.
And Christopher has come on leaps and bounds since his brother was adopted.
Talking of adoptions. Star was adopted. Don't expect her back. Her person has been waiting for her for ages. Her condo has been filled by the mum and kittens that Amy was supposed to pick up on Wednesday but they never arrived. They came this afternoon at 4:30pm. And Zelda has been adopted. Let's hope it sticks this time.

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