Friday, May 21, 2021

Laundry redo

Firstly, Katy sent photos of Suki whom she is looking after lovingly at home.
I arrived late because my morning tennis was rained off after I left home. I went home and made another hammock. When I arrived I suggested that the laundry shelves be rearranged to put all the winter woolies together. Tim said that he would prefer that the dishes be moved to the shelves in the feeding area. So I suggested that the hand towels be swapped with them. So now we have (from right to left) first bay: top shelf face towels/washers, second shelf: hammocks on top of the modesty cloths and bath mats on the right. I later moved the dirty clothes bags from the top shelf to above the dirty clothes baskets on the feeding shelves.
Second bay: cuddles and small blankets
Third bay is all towels.
Fourth bay (next to the tall bookshelf) has big blankets on the bottom shelf, just in case we need to wrap a person in a blanket. Sheets, doona covers, etc which are good for draping over a wheely cage on the second bottom shelf. Very big towels on the top shelf with space there for . . . . .
And I moved all the bowls, each of which was a different size, to the top shelf of the food shelves where the hand towels used to be. They fit very snuggly. But, of course, when more are added the space occupied will expand exponentially unless there is a organising nazi is involved. (I mention no names). How long will this splendid organisation last? In the meantime, I made myself popular by handing out bits of BBQ chicken. Even Mako, the uncle of the Japanese kittens below was seduced. Before:
After chicken (at dinner time):
I fed Silky's kittens last and they got to lick out the chicken container. While they were licking, I picked each one up and give each one a good cuddle whether they wanted it or not. They might get adopted tomorrow.
We got two new cats today: Romeo and Juliette/Juliet. One is very shy, the other is more outgoing. Neither wanted anything to do with chicken.

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