Wednesday, May 19, 2021


I count noses when I arrive in the morning, just to make sure that everybody is where they should be and they all look pleased to see me (or whoever will give them breakfast). There were 80 today. And just one cat in boarding who may not be a boarder. She is Daisy. She is 13 years old according to her condo card. And she didn't eat dinner last night or breakfast this morning. Not happy Jan.
I am told that Sandy and Sammy are Lillian's kittens back from foster. They are a bit shy (as she is) and sort of like each other, at times.
I worked out how to tell the difference between Harry and Harley. Harley has black elbows.
Otherwise they both have white cheeks, a white area above their eyes, etc, etc. Joy is still on the search for a suitable cat for her friend. She wants an older, friendly, no fuss, healthy cat. Caesar?
After 4:30 we had a delivery from the cat catcher Clare. . . . . Honey and her tiny, plump kittens. I think there were only two in the carrier but wasn't prepared to explore too much.
Which means that we are now up to 83, or more, cats.

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