Friday, May 7, 2021

Tomorrow will be a beaut

People keep ringing or emailing about adopting this or the other kitten and making a date to come tomorrow. Tim will be busy. I pottered happily on my "animal behaviour" duties this afternoon. I cleaned empty carriers, refilled empty spray bottles, fed the littles, handed out cooked chook. Then my lovely Chinese couple who want a companion for Salt arrived. They had a good cuddle with Douglas who was relaxed in their arms. We almost got his paperwork out when I remembered that she wanted a fluffy kitten. When they were at Safe on Wednesday, Skylar's fluffy brothers were at the vet being desexed. (She was sent back, unfixed because she was less than 1Kg in weight. Long haired kittens put more energy into growing hair than putting on weight). I mentioned these boys. They looked. She fell in love. We then had to figure out who was boy and who was Skylar which wasn't very difficult because the boys had shaved nether regions and she didn't. They chose Socks whom we only identified by his michrochip number.
Instead of bits of BBQ'd chook I had given them cat milk earlier which they had all enjoyed.
The adoption was done. I hope Salt enjoys his new brother. While I was busy cuddling kittens with them (such a hard job!) Tim dealt with a bloke who wanted an older long haired cat also. I think he wants a pedigreed cat at our price! There are new cats including Sabrina, Oscar, Luna (another one!) and Rosie (yet, another one) who seem quite tame. They are where Tara was. Tara is doing well. She ate the meat that was bought especially for her.
The three big kittens under Gracie (the grouch) are quite shy. They wouldn't each chicken but did lap a littl milk. Cooper and Chloe are the grey tuxedos and Lily is the tabby. But should she be called Cily instead? Her stripes are very dramatic in good light.

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