Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Adoption tails: Mimi

She is back. The older man who adopted her at the beginning of July expected her to become a lap cat within 24 hours. He didn't put her into a room with a closed door with everything she needed and let her learn her new surroundings and routines gradually. He tried to force the relationship and got swiped. We all know how accurate Mini is with her swipes. He was advised to let her decide when she is ready for more contact. There were frequent phone calls between us and the new owner and his friend but the owner decided that she wasn't right for him. He had a real struggle getting her back into the cat carrier, so perhaps she didn't want to leave. It took three days. Here she is when she first arrived back in December 2020.

Talking of struggles and cat carriers: Silky gave Terry a black eye when he put her, with difficulty, into a cat carrier to be taken home. She too is hiding. So is Soxy. But their owners are being more patient with them and don't expect instant lap cat. 

Yesterday I moved Mini to a stand alone from the single condo she was in because I remembered how much she liked it in the stand alone. She let me pat her, scrunch the base of her tail and lift her into the wheely cage. She is happy to be back, I think.

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