Friday, August 6, 2021

Last little one

Billie was desexed yesterday. She managed to get her leg through her collar while asleep in her igloo. She has potential adopters lined up being the smallest kitten until Christmas, probably. Opal was being adopted when I arrived this afternoon. I chatted to Sandy who was trying to engage Harry and Harley with the fuzzy three string interactive toy. Harley watched it. I found the last feather toy and Harley was much more interested in catching that. [I need more feathers. The birds around here don't seem to be loosing theirs. So if you have some, please may I have them to make more feather toys.] Opal did not enjoy being in a cat carrier. We could hear her next door. Her new owners were thrilled.
By the way, Jet is settling in beautifully to her new home. Other cats who were desexed include Dolly in incoming who is the mother of Socks, Mo and Tip. Mo is still very "don't touch me" while the other two are "Whatever". Rather like George who hides in the box clutching Patches while the rest of Santa Maria's kids are as friendly as she is. She rolled over to let me tickle her tummy this afternoon. What can I say. . . . . "cats!" A couple of sisters arrived to look at Charlie. One of them couldn't get away from him while I showed the other around. They changed places and Charlie liked the other sister too. Decision made. Adoption processed. Lucky them. I will miss Charlie.
The other cat with potential adopters is Valentino. He was more interested in MORE CHICKEN this afternoon.
So was Lucky. (Isn't she a pretty pus when she is not spitting?)
Of course, Harry and Harley were most interested in chicken. Somehow their door opened and Harry ventured out as far as the wheely trolley. All I had to do was to wave the chicken in the play place and he scurried back in. Such a relief.
Harley is in front with the black elbows and Harry is in the back with the white elbows.

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