Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Different digs

We decided that Lord Dudley needed a better box. The box he had was low and long. We found a box that he could sit in rather than having to crawl into.
He approved.
Petite and Norma were left overnight in the play place. I thought it would be nice if their sister who usually sits outside the box containing her brother and sister, could join them. The microchipper told me that she is Snowy. It is Patches who stays inside the box with Ginger. The other two were more interested in having pats from me when I took her into the play place. But they greeted her with licks and rubs. It was quite sad to put her back into the condo with the exclusive pair.
But somebody else needed a turn in the play place. I took Zelda thinking that if she ran around for a bit it might help her tummy. She sat in a corner. So I sat with her and gave her a massage concentrating on her tummy area. She loved it and purred and purred. Then I thought, perhaps she is taking air into her tummy as she purrs. Then she farted. Whatever . . . she enjoyed it.
I put her back into her condo which gets sunshine in the late afternoon, and wheeled in Harry and Harley who love it there because they have space to chase each other.
Then a neighbour arrived with his ?7 yr old daughter for their regular cat pat visit. It struck me that Miko came from a family with children. The father rang a couple of weeks ago because the kids had begged him to find out how she was getting on. Miko REALLY liked the kid. The kid liked the cat too. But dad said "What about the dog at home?"
Max in incoming was super friendly to Robyn while she was cleaning him until she tried to wipe his floor with some paper towel and then whap! Makes you wonder what his past experience with paper towel is.
Charlie is available. Wonder how long he will last.

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