Friday, August 13, 2021

What goes around. . . .

A beautiful cat was surrendered today because his people plan to go travelling around Australia. His name is Wilson. But his name was Merry. He was adopted, as a kitten, from AWL in January, 2017. Unfortunately I don't have a photo from then. But do you recognise him?
He arrived with a very tearful owner and a trolley load of litter and food. Other cats arrived to take our numbers above the 50 who were there when I arrived early. I came with a gift of 6 pots of grass from Catsie. As they were such tall pots of grass I gave them to our adult cats, like Red.
Coco chewed on her's and Mason's and had a gratifying upchuck (which is exactly what Catsie's cat did when she taste tested the pots.) The nice man who came on Wednesday and took a photo of Snowy came back with his wife. Snowy was gone but Patches was on display because before breakfast I took away her and George's squat box. She retreated upstairs to the comfy bed, he stayed downstairs in the corner. After breakfast I gave them a taller, shorter box into which I cut two windows. George moved in but Patches stayed upstairs in a comfy bed. She stayed there all day long being a sensible cat. The wife rather fancied Dolly (who doesn't!) mostly because she is mostly white and they have cream carpets. All our cats are shedding hair at the moment. The wife was worried about black hair on her carpet. She rather liked Petal.
The lovely Kristine who rescued Petal brought in Tabitha, another cat from the same colony.
She had spent a lot of time cuddling with Petal, so Petal was in a very mellow mood until she saw the nice man's hat. When he took it off she was fine. Everybody was wearing masks but none of the cats seem to be phased by masks. I moved Mini's stand alone to the corner where she was before. She is happy there. Sue came this afternoon and wanted character references for each cat for the web page. I went from cat to cat, patting and chatting. That was when I discovered that Max seemed to have trouble fitting through the porthole in the single condo. So I put him into a stand alone. He complained loudly for a while but soon settled down and by dinner time, was quite happy with his position by the front door. It must be good luck to have a black cat beside your front door.

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