Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Calm Amy

 She sat on her upper level all day and didn't snarl or hiss a bit, even when her doors were opened and tempting arms were inserted. All because her last kitten Annie was taken off to the vet very early this morning (before even I got there). It must be the kittens that turn her into a frantic cat. Unfortunately, Annie had blood in her poo at the vet's today so wasn't desexed. It will be interesting to see if Amy reverts to her crazy mode or not. Meredith also went to be desexed. Her mum, the other Amelia, is still frightened and hissy. Perhaps having a drugged daughter will calm her down.

Cookie and the last of her girl kittens were desexed today. Cookie was zonked when she got back. Bianca was more normal. I held her food bowl so that she could eat inside the oversized plastic collar. There is one left to be desexed: Raja.

Robin said that somebody who knows rabbits says that they should have somewhere to hide, to simulate a burrow, perhaps. So I found a box and cut just one opening. She spent some time in there digging, unsuccessfully, on the cardboard. Of course, she jumped out when I took a photo.

We have a Frankie "boarder" . Not the Frankie that we adopted recently. His owner is distressed because he "won't eat". She has a resident cat with gastric sensitivities on a special diet. She might not be able to cope with another problem eater. He is such a pretty kitty that everybody was happy to spend time with him to encourage him to eat. Catsie was so successful at playing the "chase the crunchie and munch it" game that Franky spent all afternoon sound asleep (with a full tummy). I had to wake him up for dinner. He was happy to lick wet food from my fingers but wasn't really hungry.
A woman called to ask if we had any older, medium haired cats. She and her husband lost their Ragdoll, Fluffybum, last year and need another cat to enliven their lives. If only the vets who help us had enough staff, were not on annual holidays, were not overwhelmed. . . .  we could get Augustus and Darcee vet checked and ready to be adopted.

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