Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Gifts from everywhere

Instead of counting cats when I arrived, I took the 18 bags of rubbish out to the garbage bins before the garbos arrived. Success! Then I counted 77 cats and 1 rabbit. Coco is back. I had buried the rabbit hutch so deeply in the store room so that she wouldn't be a foster fail but she did not get on with the other rabbit in the house so is back with us. 

Yesterday when Tim was feeding the naughties next door, Max or Gus came out of his condo and stropped against Tim's leg and generally made a fuss over him. While he was wending his way around Tim, tail raised, Tim had a good look and discovered that he is a she! We thought the white one was one of the boys! According to the bloke who surrendered them to us and just happened to phone today to find out how they are getting on, she was always friendly. So, she is now in Willow's condo.
And the tabby who we have called Willow for months is back with his brother. Neither seem too happy about it. Both are hiding.


Frankie was posted on the website last night so I had an early call for him from a mother of 3 boys who has put off getting a kitten until she got all the windows in her house screened. She wants an indoor cat. She came early with her 6 year old to meet Frankie. It was love at first sight.

But she wasn't my first visitor. A young woman and her mother arrived to find a cat for her. She asked which of the available cats had been with us the longest. I like people who ask that. She took her time and eventually decided that Tori would be best for her apartment. She liked Mr Magoo but he would have wanted to go out. And Maple was a bit stroppy. So she took Tori who was quite difficult to get into her cat carrier.

In the meantime the kid decided that Frankie was the one and I couldn't find the paperwork. I phoned Tim to ask where it could be. They decided to come back tomorrow. Just as they were walking out the door Tim phoned back with the info and I unearthed the paperwork. They took Frankie home. Small boy and small cat had very happy faces.

Later the woman arrived who had received the gift voucher that I wasn't able to process before Christmas because I had no idea how to do it and the gift voucher giver wanted it TODAY. But evidently it was done because there it was on her phone. Neither did I know how to spend it for her. But we managed it and poor Tim will have to work out the details tomorrow.  

This woman grew up on a farm in New Zealand at the end of a track where people dumped their unwanted cats. She has grown up with cats. At one stage she had 8 cats of her own. She met everybody: both the ones available now and the ones who would be coming online soonish. But that voucher was burning a hole in her pocket. And she chose Maple!

But really it was Maple who chose her. Just as in the case of Tori and her new owner. I thought I would have a struggle to get Maple into a carrier. But I put a just bought carrier into Maple's condo. She walked into it. I shut the door. Magic!

And another woman arrived with a huge pile of mostly dog food to give to us. She has a group of friends who have decided to do something charitable. Another lady rang to ask what she could send us. I said litter trays, pooper scoopers, etc. She made an online order that will be delivered to us.

And Daphne is boarding. Her name is Tilly now. She looks quite plump.

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