Thursday, January 27, 2022

RIP 13 year old computer

 My computer died this morning. I have been babying it along for the past 8 months by deleting everything that wasn't essential. Tomorrow I will try to set up the computer I bought at the Chatswood Mac store. It will undoubtedly be another steep learning curve.

In the meantime, I will blog from my laptop as I do while travelling. It has been so long since I travelled that I have almost forgotten how I did it. So, please excuse my mistakes.

Wanda was sent to us because she "rejected her kittens". Last night Wanda had several kittens, some of whom died. So the kittens that she "rejected" were not her own kittens! Today, she has accepted three of the original kittens who survived and her one, ginger survivor. Wanda looks as though she had a very hard time getting a too tight collar off. Despite this difficult time, she is a sweetie.

Wanda, looking as though she had a rough night

Combined kittens
She might just go back to foster now.

Tim is away next week  so is trying to move cats around to be available for adoption. Storm and Goldie  have moved to Gracie's condo in the main room. They love chicken.

Storm on left, Goldie on right
Terry will probably get them adopted! I assembled more cat carriers this afternoon, just in case. 

Sunny and Lunar would go in a flash if only our vet was back from holidays and they could get their health check.

Which is the sun and which the moon?

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