Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Back to the old days

 I had wondered why Terry was not on with Fiona on Saturday. Today I learned that he had gone to a funeral. Because the funeral parlor lady and he got to talking and soon talked about cats. She has a very fussy, demanding British something-or-other who would not eat the very expensive, exclusive fresh meat that she bought for her. After chatting with Terry, she decided that we might like it. It is in the freezer beside the feeding station.

 She also had visited Peggy Brown's way back when and was glad to get news of her. Sandy filled me in with her latest news. A small ginger kitten found its way into her garden and made friends with her chickens. Peggy trapped it. Called the local vet. Told the nurse not to open the trap until they were in a locked room. The nurse didn't believe her and the kitten escaped. After 4 days the kitten turned up in Peggy's chicken coup again. Peggy has resigned herself to having a kitten. After just a few days, this snarling, frightened kitten accepts cuddles from her. (She has not lost her touch).

A man came in to buy a water fountain. He said he knew us from AWL Ingleside days. He fostered one of the legacy cats, Whiskey. I checked the old blog and there he was! (the cat, not the fosterer).

Lots of critters were adopted in the past week: Darcy and Figgie together, Kingsley (to the lady who came the previous week and couldn't choose between him, Maple and Mr Magoo), Tigger, Angelica, Celeste, Andy, Baby and Tux, Squirrel and Sunshine (although they haven't moved into their new home yet because stuff needs to be bought).

Amy much happier with just one kitten

And we have another Amelia with two kittens.
Amelia (#2) +2
And Augustus has moved into Kingsely's condo. If he is 7years old, I am 27!


There are two little kittens in Incoming, Henry (black) and Cavill who are full of flu and shy.

Cavill and Henry

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