Friday, August 9, 2024

Adoption Tails: Harry and Dexter


2 days: He’s doing well. He has used his litter box to go pee and poo and is eating well. He seems very relaxed as long as his owner is around and he prefers to eat when his owner is home. He doesn’t seem to need the safe room but he gets put in it when his owner is out. He will not be renamed and has already been registered with the council.

1 week: “He’s gorgeous! He has the run of the place. Given his age not surprising that he sleeps a lot. Not particularly interested in playing but likes to be near me (preferably on me!)” His owner thinks he’s put on a bit of weight. 

1 month: “He is currently on my lap! He made a run for freedom today but I collected him from the top of the fence. I think he must have been an indoor/ outdoor cat. He is desperate to be outside. He is still having problems with his ear and tongue so is having a GA tomorrow for them to have a proper look. Fingers crossed.”


2 days: He seems fine so far. He's eating, drinking and using the litter tray. He’s been out of his safe room but seems comfortable around the house. He responds well to his name so his owner doesn’t think they’ll change it. He has attacked his owner’s arm twice. It wasn’t really obvious why as his owner wasn’t trying to pat him or anything. Mostly, it has been times when his owner is doing something like sitting on the couch or using the computer and Dexter will be sitting nearby and seems to be doing his own thing, and then he’ll jump onto his owner’s arm with teeth and claws before they even notice Dexter was interested in his owner. He stops when scolded and his owner is hopeful that he’ll learn what makes him like that with more time. 
10 days: Dexter is starting to settle in after his first week. He had a cough so he went to the vet and got some antibiotics. He’s getting better with his behaviour. “He will occasionally bite if he doesn't get his way but I think it's gradually happening less.” He still eventually bites after a while if he doesn’t get what he wants quickly enough. “He's improved from the attacks with serious biting and scratching which he started with. He seems pretty comfortable in the house and is using the cat tower and beds around for him.” He has been using the litter tray with no accidents. He will play when his owner waves around a ribbon or belt but doesn't seem interested in cat toys. “He also likes cardboard boxes. He seems pretty happy most of the time but is also definitely interested in getting out the front door to see what else is out there.”

1 month: Health-wise, he is good. He very rarely has a cough now and he had some sort of intestinal worms but seems to have cleared up with worming treatment. Behaviour-wise, he has improved in that he mostly doesn’t attack his owner when he wants something. Unfortunately, they still can’t trust him to sit on their lap or be too close for long. He’s still prone to attacking when his owner tries to get him off their lap or for some other reasons that they can’t figure out. “he seems to me to act more like an immature cat than a 3 year old so I'm hoping he still has potential settle down more with time”

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