Sunday, August 4, 2024

Adoption Tails: Virgo's star sign litter and the Spices litter


1 day: He’s going really well, all is good.

1 week: He’s going very well. Such a friendly kitten.

1 month: He's going great, such a good addition to the family.


Aries has settled in very well indeed! So much so that we have started to introduce him to the rest of the house. The family got him a second litter tray that is larger and will become his main one as he grows as well as some extra bowls for food and water. Aries also has a cute perch/scratching station/cubby. He's fully set up for both sides of the house but is returned to his safe room during night time and unsupervised time during the day. 

The family was going to give him a different name but Aries has stuck now. Aries will drag the cat toy fishing around and drop it at the owner's feet to let them know he wants to play. They can't believe how easy and smooth the transition has been. "It's like he's been part of our family and just came home after a long time away!"


No response

Gemini (aka Pesto)

5 days: “Gemini, renamed Pesto, is adjusting very well to his new life.” He has been eating and drinking well. He has started to explore other rooms of the apartment and is now more confident. “He sleeps with us and is very chatty.” 

1 month: “Pesto is very happy and spends a lot of time with us and enjoying his new toys.” He had a rash inside his ear and decided to take him to the vet as they couldn’t reach SAFE. They did his booster vaccination at the same time. He seemed to react to a treat they gave him, as it disappeared once he did not get the treat.

Pisces(aka Rocket)

1 week: “We love him and he’s settling in very well with us!” He has been renamed Rocket and is doing great. “We had him separated for a few days but he was very keen to explore and he’s become best friends with our 4 year old cat. They’ve been sleeping next to each other during the day and playing a lot. He’s using his litter and eating and drinking water regularly.” They are keeping them apart at night and when they’re unsupervised but they don’t feel it’s necessary for much longer as they’re very relaxed around each other and play well.

1 month: “He’s doing very well and grown a fair bit. He’s getting along very well with our resident cat and they are having cuddles and licking each other so I couldn’t be happier with their bond”

Scorpio (aka Ditto), adopted with Cinnamon (aka Dash) from Chai's litter - no photos

1 day: They are doing fine in their safe room. They are eating, drinking and using the litter tray. They will be renaming them but aren’t 100% sure about their names yet. “They are so cute”

1 week: “We are doing well with the kittens.” They had a few issues getting used to each other but their owners are sure they can overcome them. The kids have given them new names. Scorpio is now Ditto and Cinnamon is now Dash. “We let them come out of their safe room last night and they had a great time together playing in the house.”

1 month: “They are awesome! We are super happy.”

Paprika & Pepper

1 day: They are settling in fine. Eating, drinking and using the litter tray. 

1 week: They are doing well. The two have started to spend some time out of the safe room and even sit by the windows to watch the birdies outside
No 1 month response. 


1 day: Chilli had a good night and has a little to eat, used the litterbox last night and this morning but no poo yet. He had cuddles before bed. He is settling in well. The owners love the name!

1 week: He is delightful, no more safe room and sleeps on the owner's bed at night when he is not running around the unit. They are very happy with him.
 1 month: Chilli is doing great, the owner tried to get a good photo of him in front of the fireplace last night but he wouldn't keep still.


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