Monday, October 14, 2024

Adoption Tails: Cookie and Cupcake


1 day: Cookie is right at home! The owner's son is smitten since she came home just yesterday from foster.

1 week: Cookie is right at home and getting lots of cuddles and playtime with her besotted human brother. She has a great appetite and is growing fast!

1 month: Cookie is loving life - she's a curious and cuddly little girl. She has really made herself at home. "Thank you to SAFE for introducing us to our much loved new family members."


Was adopted by her fosterers so no follow ups.

Adoption Tails: Gino Grigio, Pino Nero and Marissa Bruni

 Gino Grigio aka Alto

1 day: The family has changed Gino's name to Alto. He has been eating well and doing his number ones and twos. He came out from under the bed this morning when the owners were in the room changing his litter. He wanted to have a stroke and a little play. He seems very happy and relaxed around the family and started purring. The daughter is very happy with her new brother Alto.

 1 week: Alto's settled in really well. The family had a great week with him. They gradually got him to spend more time out of his room and he is very chilled out with the family. He is doing so well with pre-schooler chaos!

1 month: It's been 4 weeks of loving Alto and he is the most beautiful boy. He has already brought a lot of joy, cuddles and laughs to the family. "A purrrrfect cat for us!" He is a little cheeky with a love for jumping on the kitchen bench and loves to sleep under the covers with the owner. He has a fabulous temperament with her daughter. "Thank you so much to SAFE and his foster carer. We are so happy with him."



Pino Nero aka Narbee


2 days: He has been renamed Narbee. He has been eating, drinking, using his litter box, and staying active.

Pino 2 days

1.5 weeks: Narbee is getting more confident exploring outside of his safe room

Pino 1.5 weeks

1 month: no response

Marissa Bruni aka Whisper


Adopted by Cookie's owner's parents
1 day: Marissa, who will soon be renamed to Whisper, will be living in a calm and quiet home which will suit her shy nature.

Marissa Bruni


4 days: Whisper is still very shy but her owner has made a safe room for her with all the things she needs. She's gradually coming out for cuddles. Her toys are moved around each morning so she seems to be coming out to play during the night.

Marissa Bruni aka Whisper


1 month: Whisper is gaining confidence everyday. She recently discovered the empty bathtub is the ideal place for chasing a ping pong ball around. She's gradually becoming friendly to more people and comes over for a cuddle when someone visits her cosy little room.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Empty condos

 I am told that Charlie and Champ have settled in. Their new owner is thrilled to bits and is bombarding Kym with reports of their every movement. Geoff was thrilled the news that they have been homed and offered to set up an outdoor enclosure for them if needed. (Irene tell Kym this).

Julie and Bassuria rather like having an empty condo beside them. Julie's tongue does hang out since she had teeth removed and the chicken made her drool.

Bassuria on top, Julie below

Teddy's eyes don't look good but he is in fine form. As is his condo mate GG. They do love each other.
Teddy on top, GG below.

And chicken.

When Geoff feeds the cats he first gives Tommy a good grooming and loving. Then he leaves Tommy's condo door open. Tommy never ventures out.

As the play place is empty, I tried PC there. Followed by Big Kahuna. Neither of them liked it very much. They much prefer the desk and opportunity of stealing illicit food. Not to mention the odd cuddle.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Champion Day

 Charlie and Champ have been adopted. They are still with us. But will be picked up tomorrow when Tim is around to 1. read their microchip numbers and 2. put them into the large carrier that may be their special hiding place for some time in their new home. Their owner is thrilled to bits. Her previous cat died at 17 years old and she fell in love with C & C when she visited on Sunday. 

And the woman interested in Winnie will definitely come to adopt her on Friday.

There are new kittens: 3 orphans who are impossible to take a photo in focus.

Malteser, Snicker, Butterscotch

Chelsea's number of kittens dropped to 2 but is now back to 5. She has taken over Missy's kittens because Missy doesn't have any milk. No photo. Chelsea doesn't like to be disturbed. Missy is in Isolation surrounded by bowls of different food which she ignores.

There are new adults in Incoming:

Robbie is an 11 year old who is traumatised by being with us. He cowers in a corner but is quite happy to be patted gently. Cats hate change.

 Jitterbug and Flaco are new condo mates in Incoming too.



Sesame has come in from foster. I swapped the stand alone by the far door of Welfare where she was to go for LeClerc's position. Now he can monitor the coming and going through the door and she can quail in the corner.


Le Clerc

Monday, October 7, 2024

Adoption Tails: Twinkle, Zulu and Zara


1 day: Twinkle has been hiding in a small corner behind some furniture since she got home. “We put food and water next to her and her litter tray is on the opposite of the room. I think she has touched the foot but not eaten much. Don't think she's used the litter tray yet. We are giving her plenty of space but also checking in on her every few hours or so.” They will be keeping her name.

2 days: “We bought her a little comfy bed and built a little fort under some chairs. She finally moved and seems happy there in there. Not eating much but has definitely used the litter box. She's getting braver every day. Also think we heard her roaming around at night”

2 weeks: “She's doing well, eating well, and exploring more and more. She sticks to her room mostly, but comes out of her fort when we're there and to eat. Last night I caught her in the corridor, very happy to see her out and about at night”

1 month: “She's been doing very well, we feel she's more comfortable around us and getting more and more active and confident.” They are currently on holiday and Twinkle is boarding at SAFE. “Can't wait to see her when we're back”

Twinkle in boarding

“Thanks for the help, we really appreciate it, Safe have been so good throughout the whole process.”

Zulu and Zara (aka Misty and Jukki)

2 days: “They have settled in so well”. They are eating, drinking, using their litter tray and are very cuddly. They’ve been renamed Misty & Jukki. They are settled in and are currently sleeping happily on the bed.


1.5 weeks: They are doing really well. The worming tablets they picked up from SAFE have helped. “they have definitely settled in well”

6 weeks: “They are going well & have settled in nicely.” Their owners will register them and continue with their flea and worming treatments. “Thank you for checking in with us really appreciate all of your support!!”


Friday, October 4, 2024

A big boy needs a big carrier

 When I arrived around 11:30 there were two adoptions happening.

The first was Kit who was chosen, after a lot of discussion, by a family of at least 5 boys (perhaps some were friends) and two parents. They had brought with them one of the smaller cat carriers: kitten sized. Not Kit sized. They tried to say that he would go in and it would be inconvenient for them to come so far back again if they borrowed a carrier. But after Kit demonstrated that he would NOT go into that shoebox, they were convinced to borrow one of our largest carriers. Tim did the deed and they carried him off. I am sure they will all be very happy. Let us hope that none of the boys develop an allergy to cats which is what happened at his last home.

And a pair of girls came to adopt Sooty. Rosanna sent them and rang later to confirm that they actually turned up. 

So there was a spare condo which got speedily cleaned and I was asked to move Cuddlepie into it. Now, Cuddlepie has never acted true to name to me. So I invited Tim to do the deed. They struggled on the floor for a while before Tim got a good hold on her and afterwards he retired to tend his wounds. (My tearable skin would have been tattered).


And a mum and daughter turned up to discuss fostering Stardust with Irene. They had a lovely meeting with him and have gone home to think about it. 

Meanwhile Rebecca came back from the home she went to last Wednesday. Via a vet where she was abandoned on Wednesday. She was so happy to be back with us. Friendliest she has ever been.

She and The Sheik had a lovely chat while The Sheik was in the Top Cat later on.

We have new front door "kittens": Felipe and Nix. They are shy. Perhaps they should be moved to an area with less traffic.


It was nice to see Aspen rolling around in her condo this afternoon. She was excessively shy when she first came to us.


Wednesday, October 2, 2024

New doors

 When I arrived early this morning, there was a condo with its door open, no cat inside but a label saying that the bed was to go with Winnie. There was a liberal scattering of food on the floor so I assumed that "Winnie" was on top of the condos. So I fed everybody first. Then, when Sophie arrived early I asked her to look for "Winnie". She found her in no time hiding behind the dirty laundry bins and promptly put her back in her condo. Winnie seemed happy enough.


And there was only one cat in Dorian and Sebastian's condo. With drugs for one cat. So I assumed (correctly) that the other was still at the vets. Teeth were removed from one first. The other had to wait a day.

Kit seems to have expanded since moving into the Play Place. He is a very friendly cat. He needs space above his litter tray to be able to assume the poo position. So don't put it under anything or you might have to clean the floor.


There are new cats in Incoming. It was hard to find Gitterbug and Falco. G is the ginger hiding under the bedding pushing his bum into Falco's face.


Falco's face

And a cat called Littleone who has grown out of his/her name.


Geoff came to redo some of the mesh on the condo doors. Much to Julie's delight because she got time in the Top Cat while he worked on her and Bassuria's door.

Julie and Geoff