Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Lola was pleased to see me

I was greeted like a long lost relative this morning. She has certainly overcome her horror of people. But her tummy is still swollen. She has had an ultrasound. And she is still chucking up with abandon.

I decided that the mum cat in Isolation should have a name. So I looked up Google to find some Egyptian names because the lovely ladies who brought the family in spoke some kind of middle eastern language and one was veiled. I decided on some names and wrote them down but didn't take a photo. Probably by Friday all evidence of my efforts will be removed.

I also put up a third triangular hammock in their stand alone so that the kittens can climb their way to mum who tends to lie in the highest hammock. And they are still drinking from her. . . . so who can blame her for retreating to the heights.

Three hammock stand alone

We had some intersting visitors this afternoon (but no adoptions.) The woman who adopted Maisey a couple of years ago ( came in to tell us about the failure of a microchip company which stores the microchip info on cats. The way we work is that the council where the cat lives gets that information. So we don't think this applies to us. 

While she was here she fell in love with Leo and with Harry. She sat on the floor for ages playing with him and his neighbours (including Mia and Bassuria!)

Leo was also the focus of the attention of a couple who have a couple of free days before they head back to China to live. The free days are because the airline decided that their two cats could not travel with them in the cabin. They have to go in the baggage compartment. Their owners are not happy. And especially so since when they came to Australia their cats where caught up in a beaucratic wrangle that had them for 6 months. The cats were not pleased but did forgive their people eventually. Their people are not looking forward to going through that process again! Leo offered them confort today. 

Luna, next door to him, would have liked to join in the cuddle fest.




Friday, February 14, 2025

Lola went to the vet

 Tim is concerned that her tummy is swollen. We had been rather pleased that she has stopped throwing up daily. Bloods and fluids have been taken for testing.

Lola with a tummy
Roisin was on the list for adoption but today isn't because she too has a funny tummy. She has evidence of a particular bacterium that might cause sloppy poos. She had a visitor this afternoon. A woman brought in her nephew (about 5yo) to meet Henry because she really wants a ginger cat. Henry did not like the nephew at all. He hissed and fluffed up his tail. The kid has a big dog at home. Perhaps Henry could smell the dog? But the woman really preferred Roisin. She will be back when her card colour changes.

Could have adopted Gimli to her if he was ours not a boarder. Gimli was grooming Tim just before I took this photo.

Two new friendly cats came into Incoming from a grateful cat rescuer who made a donation as well as buying a mug.

They may be mother and daughter. Cordelia is not yet 2

Cordelia of the splendid ear hairs
And Zoe is around 1yo. Both named by their rescuer.

I did the adoption paperwork for a pair of kittens, Poppy and Meeka, who had been met while in their foster home. A dad came to make his two children very happy this Valentines Day.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Last (of) Tango in Roseville

 A couple of women came this afternoon to adopt a pair of kittens. One of the two has just moved to Sydney and was the primary adopter. She looked at everybody until she got to Tango and then fell deeply in love. It was mutual, of course. Tango is a loving fellow. They decided to come back for a companion for him when he, and she, settles down in Sydney. (They rather liked Mia!)

Within half an hour somebody else rang to ask about him.

And within that half hour we had cleaned/sterilized his condo and moved Leo into it. He was a bit startled but willing. Perhaps he was thrilled to move away from the lingering smell in his condo in Incoming. That has been taken care of as you can tell from his shaved rear. His place as the love boat in Incoming has been taken over by Storm who was brought in today by a fosterer. She said that he is as easy as pie. She trimmed his nails at the stop lights on their trip to us. He put his paws towards her out of the carrier and she snipped.


 Mateo was picked up at 8am (thank you Kym) for his three balls operation: one eyeball and two testicles. The planning for his pickup went array so I got to leave early to go to Manly Vale to collect him. He was as good as gold in the car and is in Boarding above Ashley.

His four siblings will go down the Boarding row when they have had their desex ops. The stand alone in Incoming is needed for another group.

I moved Tulip and Tilly to Better Row because a family of possibly ringwormy kittens was expected at 11:30am. Thank you Sophie for scrubbing the stand alone in Isolation. The four kittens did arrive and look exhausted. We will see how they progress. And Tilly says that she will regress while Tulip is just fine with the new digs.



On my way out (the second time) I spotted Lola making love to her fluffy blankie. She stopped, of course, as soon as I pointed my camera at her.


Friday, February 7, 2025

Adoption Tails: Micky, Rainy, Henry, Fluff and Tango


Micky  at Safe

1 day: He’s settling in nicely. “Very gregarious and already keen to play and explore.” He’s eating and drinking but ignored the litter box in favour of a quiet corner of the room for a poo. They’ve moved the litter to that quiet corner and he managed to find it for a second poo earlier in the afternoon. He slept under the bed last night but is already coming out as soon as anyone goes into the room.

1 week: Micky’s still a bit shy about leaving the room but probably because there’s an exuberant puppy wanting him to play. “Micky doesn’t seem to bothered by him but at the moment not keen to play!”

 1 month: All is going very well. Micky is quite comfortable around the entire house and also with their dog. The next step is to explore outside but he seems pretty happy still inside.

Rainy, now Lizzie

Rainy at 6 days
6 days: “Rainy is doing very well. Very settled and very playful. My kids love her”. She is toileting and eating fine but they’ve realised she can be quite fussy with meals. They bought kitten Dine and she didn’t like it but she loved Purina kitten wet food.

3 weeks: Rainy has been renamed Lizzie. She’s doing very well and is part of the family now. She goes around the whole house and up and down the stairs like her own home. “She jumps around quite a bit too!” She is very attached to the owner’s daughter.

Rainy now Lizzie
5 weeks: “She is very good. Getting mischievous and pretends nothing happened… super cute!”



1 day: Henry is settling into his safe room at the moment, he's eating and drinking, quite a hungry boy. The owners are sticking to 1/8 cup of dry food 3x a day and 2tsp of wet food. He's using the litter tray. He'll be keeping his name. The owners will be going to NZ for 10 days in roughly 1 month, they are trying to see if they can get someone to house sit so that Henry doesn't feel displaced but may end up booking in some boarding with SAFE since he is familiar. They don't want Henry to feel like he's being returned. He has started to come out to eat and will even come up and purr for pats and things.

No 1 week response. 

1 month: Henry is fantastic now! He has opened up so much since the owners first brought him home.


Meatball, now Pippin

1 day: Meatball is doing well. He did not toilet until the second morning which was a relief for the owner. He is eating well, eating dry food slowly but loves the raw chicken. He also loves cuddles and be around people. Enjoying the cat bed and pet heated mat as well. They've decided to rename him Pippin from Lord of the Rings.

Meatball now Pippin
 1 week: Pippin is happy and playful. He loves to roam around the apartment. He has a big appetite and tends to inhale his food so the owners need to be careful not to overfeed.

 1 month: Pippin is happy, healthy and such a good eater. He plays with all his toys, climbs the cat tree and sleeps in the human bed at night. His ear yeast infection shows signs of returning so the owners will take him to the vet. Other than that, Pippin is loved and full of life.

Fluff, now Gatsby


1 day: Fluff has been renamed Gatsby and he’s settling in very well. “He plays with us, and even lets us pet him already”

1.5 weeks: He has been very confident. He has been playing around, jumping on every cupboard, biting all the plants and getting zoomies. “He’s loving life - he’s also eating, drinking & sleeping well. And enjoys his cuddles”

1 month: no response

Tango, now Hanae


1 day: Tango was really scared for the first few hours but has since settled in well. She has been eating, drinking, toileting, and playing a lot. She hasn’t met the resident cat as they don’t seem happy to see her.

Tango day 1
1 week: Tango has settled into the unit very well. She runs around and plays a lot. “She seems to be very comfortable in the new environment.” The resident cat has not adjusted to Tango yet. Tango tries to get along with the resident cat who gets scared and runs away. Her owner thinks it will take longer for the resident cat to adjust to Tango. She had her 3-month vaccination this morning. She was a bit scared and the nurse needed to help but it all went well.

1 month: “I renamed her Hanae (which means flowers & smile). She is very active and loves playing with toys, running around a lot. She seems to be more comfortable now. My resident cat is not able to adjust yet but I can see her slow improvement. Hanae has brought a bright light to my life and now she is my loved family member”

Tango and resident cat


No Chicken

 I left it in my lunchbox on the kitchen bench. Had to go out to get something at Sonia's for lunch. She didn't have any chicken. There were disappointed cats. But Lola was too busy snoozing to complain. (I don't think she feels well.)

I let Le Clerc out for a wander. The H kittens were fascinated. And LC played touchy paws with them through the bars.

Le Clerc, playing with a bit of litter, being watched by Harry, Hobs and H . . .
Julie likes her gold fish box.

Julie has a place to hide

The woman who adopted Suki Sioux last week returned the cat carrier that she borrowed. She brought her sister to meet cats. Suki has settled in very quickly and has won their hearts. She was in her safe room for one day before taking over the rest of the house. They say that she has only sounded like a Siamese once.

The "Siamese" on Better Row has been moved to Chad's condo. He is friendly as can be. He has a blue card but isn't on the web site yet. Might be a nice surprise for a visitor tomorrow?


Suki Sioux's "aunt" was interested but now is not a good time for her to get another cat. But she might consider volunteering with us. She has just retired from an IT job. We could use her skills.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Play time and shadows

 I let Chelsea out in the Top Cat and she had a lovely time playing with ping pong ball. Emily and Annabelle were next (they are available as a bonded pair since we removed Emily's stitch. . . Annabelle didn't have one). They enjoyed it. I then put them back and opened Darcy's door. He was very unsure. Still hadn't ventured out by the time I left. 

Ciara, below him would have loved it.

But Billy next door to him wouldn't have been seen ever again!


Which reminds me. When I arrived, Archie's door was opened an inch or two. He was in his box, Archie's Bar. Later, after he had been cleaned, the door was again unlatched. The latch needed to be tightened. But I think that is a temporary fix and it might loosen itself with use. I should have added it to Geoff's list of jobs. 

The Play Place was empty so I let Gimli have a run around. Tim brushed him after getting covered in orange fur.

 It seems that Prue and Trude have never been to the vet. They need to go before being offered for adoption. So today I moved out the goldfish bowl wooden box thing from their enclosure and put in a cat carrier just to get them used to something new. After cleaning the gold fish bowl thing, I installed it in Julie and Bass's enclosure. It only fits one way. At least their quilt fitted. I hope they like it. 

Nova went to the vet's today to have her eye looked at. They said that it was swollen and giving her great pain so should be removed. It was done. 

Ombre didn't look at all well this morning. And had not eaten much over night or at breakfast. Sue took her to the vet where she died. Poor wee thing. I remembered a french song: Un onbre de nous, restera toujour (an Ombre/shadow of ours will last forever). . .. was a song in the film "A Man and A Woman"

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Adoption Tails: 48 in January

 Adoptions that is. 48 is an all time record. Well done us. 

And today there were 3 more: Celine Dion (she will be beloved) and Dorian and Sterling together, at last. 

Not only that but the people who adopted Suki Sioux the "Siamese" rang to say that she is "going really well with everything."

Willow's kittens


3 days: He's as happy as Larry! Very confident and settled in beautifully! Couldn't be happier. So purry and lovely. The owners have not decided whether they will change the name yet so he is Scout for now.

1 week: He's great, currently sleeping in air conditioned comfort! Very playful and affectionate.


1 month: Scout is going really well, gaining weight and lengthening before the family's eyes. He had his final vaccination just last week and the vets are very happy with him. He's a cutie and very affectionate!

Maple, now Nina


1 day: Maple is settling well. She’s eating, drinking and using the litter tray. The owner has renamed Maple to Nina (after Nina Simone). She’s definitely got a loud and constant purr. Nina is actually having a nap at the moment.

Maple, not Nina

1 week: Nina is doing well! Settling into her furever home. She met her housemate, Nico and they're slowly getting along with each other.

No 1 month response.

Hunter and Pippa - Both adopted on the same day but Pippa was picked up 4 days later

1 day: no response
Hunter’s 2 week & Pippa’s 1.5 week: “We have decided to keep his name. It’s very fitting, they are both adjusting well and are confident moving around the house now”

Hunter and Poppa
 1 month: “They are amazing. Hunter and Pippa have really come out of shells, Hunter is a proper alpha cat and makes sure to hunt down any pesky flies. Pippa is just the sweetest little thing and cuddles up every evening.”


1 week: “Ranger has been settling in so well at the moment, on day one we had him in his little safe room but our resident cat just wanted to get to know him and they've actually been getting on so well! They love sleeping next to each other at night and playing through the day so I think he's settled in amazingly. He has eaten and used the litter tray and drinks heaps of water so everything seems good on that end. I actually think we're going to keep the name as well!”

Ranger and big friend
1 month: “He's growing so fast every day. I wish he could have stayed little for a little longer but he's been doing so great”. His owners recently moved places. “we were a little worried the adjustment for both cats would have been tough but they were excellent and really kept each other company the whole time and helped each other become comfortable in the new space. They're getting on so amazingly and love playing/sleeping/grooming each other”

Cricket, now Pepper

1 day: “She’s very happy and bonding very well with my daughter. She is eating and drinking and has used the litter tray (for all functions). She is playing and exploring the room. She has been very affectionate with my daughter. We have renamed her Pepper. We are absolutely thrilled with her. She is adorable!”

3 days: They found fleas on Pepper so they will be giving her a flea treatment. “She’s still a bit skittish and wary of noises but she is settling in. She’s been snuggling up with my daughter.”
1 week: She dashed out of the daughter’s room into the owner’s room and explored the owner’s room. She’s also followed the daughter into the bathroom. “We’ve let her out for short periods into the living area. She runs back to the bedroom if she’s startled. If there’s anywhere with dust she managed to find it (under my bed, under the buffet, under the TV)”. Her owner thinks she is very comfortable and happy. She came into the lounge room this evening. She sat on the owner’s daughter’s lap and fell asleep. Pepper meows if she wants the owner’s daughter. “They are a beautiful pair!”

1 month: “She’s doing very well. She has us well trained already. We really love her and she seems very happy. She pretty much doesn’t let my daughter out of her sight. She’s definitely found her home!”

Oscar (not one of WIllow's kittens)

1 day: Oscar's been great and started to eat/drink when he came home. They will keep his name.
1 week: He's been wonderful!
 1 month: Oscar is great and the hot spot is drying up after a vet visit with some medication.