Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Annabelle adopted

The lovely people came on the weekend and took her home. Knots and all. Her condo was pretty grubby but I don't know if it was that way before she moved in or she did it. It is now clean, F10'd and waiting for a new occupant.

My fellow volunteer is another refugee from Ingleside. She adopted Pumpkin. We had several but I think this is the one because the other two were paired: Thai and Pumpkin and Pumpkin and Joel.


I left her to mop the floors and packed up Mini Mama (from Blacktown Pound) to go to the foster home in Avalon which has a special room for queens. Unfortunately it is presently occupied by one of her cats that was tick bit and is shaved, and grounded for the moment. So we prepared another room that is used as a laundry room for Mini Mama. 
On the way she was as good as gold (sorry the photo is from last Saturday. My camera was at home. And I could have used my phone but forgot about it. But here expression is the same).
Mini Mama
And when we opened the carrier, she strolled out to say hello, give me a pat, where is dinner. . . . very  relaxed.

There is a gap under the door through which she will be introduced to two dogs who love cats.

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