Friday, September 13, 2019

Cody update

I registered him with the Northern Beaches council last week and explained carefully that he has two microchips but is just one cat. My guess is that the vet put in a microchip when he was desexed. But the next day when he was discharged, they couldn't find it (possibly a faulty detector) so gave him another microchip. The chips have sequential numbers. I had a long, detailed discussion with the clerk who said she could fix it.

Yesterday I got, in a mail, two certificates from the council for him. One is a Certificate of Registration. The other is a Certificate of Identification. The first one says that he is desexed. The second one says that his desex status is unknown. The first has been paid for. The second one needs to be paid for. 

I visited the council today and they will sort it out.

In the meantime, he is in the garage probably chasing the fat tailed geckos. 

He loves being on the front deck (except when it rains). On Wednesday I put the harness onto him because he is a cat that will want to go outside and will need to be taught where he can go and when he should come back inside, so he will have to be on a leash for some time. 
He thought I was trying to kill him. He didn't move for a while and then he decided that if he ran fast enough, he would get away from it. Didn't work. So he retired to the furthest point under the bed to sulk. 
I tried to bribe him out with his favourite crunchies (DTs) but he wasn't talking to me. 
Eventually, I pulled the mattress back and reached down to unclip him.
He forgave me by breakfast time and has probably forgotten all about it (says I, but wait until I try to get it on him again!)

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