Thursday, September 19, 2019

New office assistant

Shivers is taking his duties very seriously. He just sits on the printer and waits for a piece of paper.
Sandy had done a wonderful cleaning job so I could get on with feeding grass to the cats.

I noticed that Kimmy was sticking to her blanket and her foam pad so decided to trim her nails. She didn't want to come onto my lap on a chair, so I climbed up into her condo to do the job. I also did Kitty's. She was happy to sit on my knee on the chair but she has one funny lump of fur above a claw on her right front paw. Keep your eye on it.


Rajah and Prince don't do grass. So I brushed them instead. They look better and enjoyed being brushed with the brush with plastic tips on its metal tines.
Rajah and Prince, brushed
I almost got Charlie to come out of his "shell" for grass. I can't decide if he is a snail or a tortoise. That basket will have to go with him.

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