Tuesday, October 1, 2019

It must be love

Dotty was adopted over the weekend by a young family who haven't had a cat before. She will teach them everything they need to know. 

There is a new Burmese boarder called Hermione. I haven't read any Harry Potter but understand that the Hermione in the books is something of a witch. This Hermione walked straight into my arms and cast a spell over me.

Blossom is settling in. The vet thinks she is a bit thin so Tim decided to weigh her. He knows that she doesn't like other cats but she likes to be cuddled so he picked her up, carried her to the scales in the other room and put her down on the scales. She took one look at the wall full of cat portraits beside her, flew back into his arms and held on for dear life while he rushed her back to her condo. We humans have got so used to those photos being there that we don't see those dozens of staring, cat eyes

I have finally got Cody to walk out of doors on a leash. He still doesn't like the harness but he loves exploring outside. Today he walked around the house to end up in the garage to love on the smelly shoes I wear walking and to Safe Haven.


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