Thursday, October 10, 2019

Bailey's story

Sandy did a sterling job this morning. All that was left was a few dishes, etc to wash. Thank you.

So I had time to fit the washed bedding back into the shelves and feed the cats grass.

There are only two condo's of boarders on the back row. It was full last Friday. But there are 6 or 8 boarders on the front row. And Blossom who doesn't feel as though she has put on any weight despite being on double rations. She enjoyed the grass.

Charlie waited patiently for his turn. It is a pity that he is so far down the list.

The grass helped me make friends with Diva who has a wonderful purr and Little Ginj even let me pat him, for a while. And then he decided he wanted to play handsies, so I stopped playing before it got bloody.
Diva and Little Ginj

At least their sister Samantha comes out to watch the action. I haven't set eyes on their other sister Elsa who lives on the very top shelf behind her bed. The food disappears and the litter tray gets used but not while there are people about.

Bailey belonged to an old lady who died. The family came and emptied out the house and left the cat behind. The nice neighbour man looked after Bailey for 4 years before asking the vet for help because he felt that his time was near (the man not the cat: Bailey is only 7 years old). He is a lovely boy. Wasn't the least bit interested in the grass but wanted more cuddles.
Tortie needs cuddles more than grass too. I left her to last because she has the most flu and gave her a good body rub. Don't you love her white whiskers: one on each side, straight out like a villain's moustache.


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