Friday, October 25, 2019

Still here

Gypsie is on hold until her new person/family gets all the things that she will need delivered via the Internet. What she really needs it to be in a loving home. . . forget the accessories. . . . cuddles will do.
There is a tentative date to pick her up on Oct 30. 
In the meantime, she enjoyed her grass munching. 

I get the feeling on Friday afternoons after Sandy has done a splendid job cleaning everybody up, that the cats see me as a grass distribution mole. Blossom leads the chorus. She has a brush in her condo. While she ate her grass, I brushed two full brushloads of fur from her.

Blossom and brush
 The chorus of "Me, me, meow" by the Kitty/Kimmy/Scarlet chorus does not quite overpower the Charlie MEEEEEEEEEE.

Bailey was more interested in smooching than anything else. And Little Ging loves grass but is not still sure that people are worthwhile. His sister, Diva is all about the cuddles.

Peanuts is slowly getting to be a black and white cat rather than a cream and black cat. If we gave him a bath he would achieve tuxedo status quicker. Anybody want to give a cat a bath?

Jewell is very vocal. Tim and I decided that she is on heat. . . . AGAIN


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