Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Welcome Joy

Joy came to help this morning. We certainly needed the help because it was busy. There are new protocols to stop the spread of cat flu which are posted on the condo near the door between boarding and adoptions.

The "brother" of the mother cat who came last week is a girl. She is below Blossom and behind curtains. Next door are Jewell's kittens who have been weaned. They don't seem to mind but Jewell is still demanding breast feeding rations.

Elsa, from her previous litter, has emerged, somewhat. She now hides in full view in the cubic bed. . . just a matter of finding the right bed.


We have a new cat for adoption called Pepi. He is still overwhelmed.


Initially it looked like it was going to be quiet so Tim decided to run some errands.

Soon Jake's family arrived to pick him up. Luckily Tim wasn't far away so he could come back to tell them how to reintegrate Jake and collect the boarding fees.

Then a family arrived to inspect the boarding arrangements. Luckily they want a couple of weeks at the end of November. It seems that Christmas is almost fully booked, already. I showed them around while Tim talked to Jake's family.

Then a lady arrived with a donation and wanted to see the cats. I walked her around.

Poor Joy was left doing most of the work.


As I was swabbing the floor another lady arrived to adopt Gypsie. She had been in on Sunday, brought her husband in yesterday and today she needed to discuss all the gear that Gypsie will need. She will be a very spoiled, much loved cat. . . and thoroughly deserves to be.

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