Friday, March 13, 2020

Liverpool rescue

The trip to Liverpool was quick this morning, although it was cold. . .. . 14deg C out west!

The girls had managed to catch both the expectant mother cat and her brother. Tim has housed the brother and had him desexed so he should settle down quickly. His name is Narla. . . . from when they though he was a girl kitten. Perhaps he can be renamed Neil. They gave us permission to rename their cats and maybe they should all get names starting with L for Liverpool.

Narla is white with dark markings and the mum is white with grey (I think) and a scratch on her nose from when she tried to run through the bars of the carry cage en route to my car. Her tummy is quite large. Let's hope she doesn't do a Bonnie on us.

The trip back to Safe Haven was quiet. I think Narla/Neil must have had his "accident" after we arrived because I couldn't smell it in the car.

Good news is that Sootie, from Helen's cat colony has been fostered by a woman who used to be involved with the colony before she retired. She is used to dealing with very shy cats. How I love to see "CLEAN ME" on condos.

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