Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Adoptions to report

I could save the best until last but can't help myself.

Blossom was adopted this morning.

Her new person is an elderly woman (and her two mature daughters.) They have had a problem cat before and are happy about her health status.
Blossom didn't like being put into a carry cage. I had suggested that we swap the short, tight one that they brought with a taller, pink one that was given to me. Even though I put a piece of my mother-in-law's hand embroidered tablecloth in for her to sit on, she still didn't like to be put into it. But didn't complain once she was there.

And the smallest A kitten was adopted: Annabelle
And, two of the F kittens, a boy and a girl. The names had not been assigned to any particular kitten so Tim just chose to call the adopted ones Fred (except that he changed that because of Freda and called him Flint or some such) and Flame. So I have wiped those two names off the white card on their rolly cage.

 F kittens

Feral Street:
Marmalade, the ginger kitten in the far condo by the wall has got himself out of that condo for the last couple of nights. Generally he let himself back in so that he was there when Tim arrived in the morning. But today he didn't get back into his condo. Tim caught him and put him into an Ingleside condo. He won't be able to wiggle the door until it opens there. He is above where Annabelle was. While he was out he left two very sloppy calling cards and a yellow puddle in the boarders row that I sterilized. You can eat your lunch from that bit of floor now.
I cleaned his old condo and you wouldn't believe the build up of dirty paw prints on the lower edges of the doors! He must have worked for hours to get it open. 

His Clare fellow rescue cats, all gingers, are not happy.


Dorito is the friendliest of them, but is not well.

The pregnant cat I collected on Saturday from Liverpool is still pregnant.

Nala?Neil has been put in his own condo and was prepared to be patted but not to be photographed. His nose needs a good clean before he is put on record.

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