Thursday, March 19, 2020

Nails trimmed

The traffic to Arundel Park to pick up the litter load was easy peasy. And I got a full tank of petrol for $1.09 per litre!

All quiet back at Safe Haven. I cleaned out Blossom's condo then talked to a couple of cats. I noticed that Taylor's claws had got caught in her bath mat. Trimming her left paw was quite easy but the right paw was awkward. I ended up sitting in her condo with her on my knee to do it. She was perfectly polite throughout and has a delightful purr response to caresses. It would have made a good photo too.

I stroked Jewell while she was under her bed. She didn't shudder. But when she came out to see who was manhandling her, she promptly gave herself a thorough wash.

Penny doesn't do that. She just begs with her eyes for you not to stop.

We haven't heard that the Petstock adoption for next Saturday has been called off. So Tim plans to go ahead and we should be able to convince at least 6 people that a kitten is the best antidote to being house bound and at least two more that an adult cat would be even better (Peanut and Taylor should be able to cope being in the shop).



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