Thursday, March 26, 2020

How long will she last?

Remember the litter of kittens in the far condo out back one of whom is a tortie. She was fostered to keep her out of harm's way. Well she is back. Her name is Alice. She is currently the smallest available cat at SH. How long will she last?

I took Taylor to Sandy's friends in Mona Vale. They have given up on the foster to adopt idea and have just adopted her. They will change her name to Tinkerbelle. I think they will find that she is a Belle rather than a Tinker. But before she was Taylor she was Tutu so she won't mind the name as long as she gets respect.
She was good in the car. She objected initially but settled down when I turned on RN to women's voices.
They have promised frequent updates and photos.

A work at home mum and her teenaged (18-ish) son arrived. They had looked at the website and decided they wanted to meet Elsa and Olivia. Tim smooched up to Elsa and told them how to approach her. She did splendidly and won the mother's heart. She didn't take to the lad but I think it was because he looks a bit like Tim but his hair was combed straight up. Confusing for a cat.
Olivia didn't want to have anything to do with anybody this afternoon.
They went off to buy a suitable carry cage and stratchy, etc, etc. So, hopefully Elsa should be settling into the mother's home office by now.

Dorito, Apricot and Ginger were off being desexed. I am amazed that Ginger is over 1 Kg. But he is 12 weeks old so should cope with the op. Somebody has bagsed him so I won't be able to say goodbye. Tim is going to miss him but won't miss schlepping his carry cage back and forth.

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