Tuesday, March 31, 2020

More Mums and kittens

Fosterers have surrendered their kittens to us. They have come from all over Sydney and none have names yet.

There are two mums who both seem friendly. One has (almost) weaned her kittens the other hasn't.

There is a litter of three kittens who are not quite 1Kg. But as soon as they have got rid of their fleas and worms they will put on weight quickly. They were chasing fleas madly after Tim dosed them. And investigating the toys I gave them.

The Liverpool cats all have L names.

Lennox and Lyla
Luca has been moved to Taylor's condo. He is very friendly and much appreciated having something to play with.
I am to pick up two more teenagers from the Liverpool colony on Friday. That should be the end of them because the Granny cat will stay in Liverpool.

Were Diana and Danielle were are a pair of kittens: Alfie (ginger and white) and Abbey (tortie tabby). Alfie is the bigger, more active kitten and Abbey was rather getting the brunt of his energy until I added some toys and a scratchy pole.

Alfie and Abbey

And in Elsa's condo we have a private surrender, Katie who came with the most glamorous cat carrier ever. 
She is the bit of fuzz you can see behind it. I zipped off the lid to give her more space. She is a ragdoll. . . . . naturally.

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