Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Win some, loose some

The excitement was over by the time I arrived. One of Jaffa's kittens, the grey one, had got out of their upper condo. Initially she couldn't be found and Terry and Joy were contemplating clambering up to see if the kitten was on top of the condos. Then Joy saw a grey ball of fluff move under the food shelves. A happy ending but it delayed breakfast which didn't please the rest of the crew.
Jaffa's grey kitten

Blossom is back and not happy (eating). Evidently she bit her old lady . . . . twice.
After I rearranged her condo to the way it had been before she settled down to breakfast.

Jewell is not there. Her condo has been sterilized. Has she been fostered or adopted?

There is a new dark tortie called Midnight in Peanut's condo. She is friendly but shell shocked. Has she been surrendered? She has the loveliest green eyes. She settled down to her breakfast after a few pats.

Another one who needs encouragement to eat is Katie. She really needs hands/brush stimulation to eat.
The mums have names and Joy has taken some lovely photos of them and their kittens.
Jaffa and three kittens (of 4)
Tessa's kitten (1 of 4)


Willow's kittens (3 of 4)

Giselle, Grace and Grayson 
Terry might take Milly home to foster. His wife came in today to help with the decision.

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